Daily Archives: June 19, 2007

The countdown continues

And the list of things that still need to get done isn’t getting any shorter! I think the only really pressing things are for Frank and I to get International Driver’s Permits – gotta hit AAA tomorrow – and the kids have to have their checkups which I *know* will include tetanus boosters – fun, fun, fun!

Actually, it will be fun once we get going. Tomorrow night we hit the Serbian Crown for a combined Duncan’s birthday/bon voyage dinner then the packing gets finalized. Actually, I really should start. How soon should one start packing? People seem amazed that we aren’t all packed yet. We’re not leaving for two days – why should I be packed now? I need my toothbrush, sandals, etc. until it’s time to go; I don’t want them in the suitcase. Or maybe I’m merely justifying my procrastination (oh, 3 weeks on sabbatical and I can still come up with multisyllabic words! Let’s see how long that lasts!)
