Daily Archives: July 2, 2007

Day 11: Another work day

for me and a low key day for the family. We started out in the gym: me on the treadmill and Gillian in the pool. Then I headed off to the Bank of England where I learned lots more interesting things (to add to the other interesting things I have collected already – I need to better organize stuff!) and the family had a nice big breakfast – unlike the protein bar that I gobbled on my way to the tube. They then got domestic and did a bunch of laundry at the local launderette – it seems that some of the Cannon clan didn’t plan very well in Paris and was left with only one clean T-shirt.

After taking care of the clothing crisis, they headed out to toy heaven known as Hamleys. Frank was actually a bit disappointed: it wasn’t quite as impressive as he remembered. Duncan found things very expensive but that didn’t stop Gillian from buying a T-shirt for her Parisian panda named Pierre. A late snack found them back at the hotel in time to make a cup of tea for me getting home from work.

Next on the agenda: the theatre! Since I had a large lunch – in an executive dining room no less!- and they had a late snack, dinner wasn’t really on the agenda. We stopped by a local pub which was *much* nicer than the one we ventured into last night and had a pint (or two) of real ale (yum!) while we waited for the rain to let up. It let up a enough for us to find another pub with real ales and a better selection of snack type foods so we did grab a bit to eat before heading to the Palace theatre for Spamalot! Two lessons from this theatre experience: first, do your homework and find out what “balcony” really means in the venues you may wind up in! We opted for front balcony tix which turned out to be about 60 feet straight up! Frank was looking for the oxygen masks! Second, just because you buy your tickets at a discount ticket booth, don’t assume that you are actually getting a discount. Not only did we not save any money, we ended up paying a service charge… but at least we got tickets and we did enjoy the show. It’s a late night though and we need to get up early to get pack since we bid farewell to London tomorrow.


[Pedometer: the family chalked up 19,560 – just less than 10 miles – whereas I only managed about 6,000 but I did manage 4 miles on the treadmill!]