Daily Archives: July 10, 2007

Day 19: In memoriam

July 10 –

Francis Hennigan Cannon passed away at noon today one week shy of his 74th birthday. He is survived by Helen, his loving wife of 54 years, his three sons and eight grandchildren.

He was well loved and will be sorely missed.

Day 18: Still waiting

July 9 – The weather seems to be mocking us now. Another nice day – actually the first without a rain drop – and we’re in no position to really enjoy it. Frank’s dad is hanging on but just barely. Everyone is taking turns at the hospital and we don’t make any plans past a few hours from now just in case.

So this seems an apropos time to record some general thoughts on life in Scotland. Supermarket sizes aside, life here is very different -at least among our family. I get up and run in the morning or just stop at the bakers for fresh rolls and the news agents for a paper. I supposed if I lived here permanently I could get the paper delivered but loads of folks still don’t do that. Then again, if I stayed here full time, I could get the milkman to deliver our milk (no joke!)

Stirling doesn’t seem to be much of a morning town. I’ve been running twice now around 7 a.m. and haven’t seen any other runners – just a few folks out about their business who look at me like I’m insane. This morning there were lots of people heading to their work at about 8 a.m. but no other runners. Maybe it’s because everyone stays up so late. I confess that I still can’t get used to the fact that it’s at least 11 p.m. before it gets completely dark here. I have a hard time getting the kids to go to bed at 10 or 10:30 when it’s still light out. Very odd.

I must drink 10 cups of tea a day. A cuppa is the common cure for just about every ill and whenever you visit someone or go anywhere, the first response is to put the kettle on. Even in the high dependency unit in hospital, the nurses insisted on making us tea while we were visiting. No Tab here but Diet Irn-Bru is magic!


[Pedometer: 16,644 steps or about 8 miles. We managed a toddle about town before heading to the hospital. ]