Daily Archives: July 12, 2007

Day 20: We move on

July 11 –

Thank you all for the kind thoughts and well wishes we’ve received.  It helps to know that people are thinking of you especially when you are so far from home.  Frank’s mum is doing as well as can be expected – as are we all.

Today was a day for picking up and figuring out what to do next.  There are preparations to be made – phonecalls, paperwork, etc. And of all days – today the weather is gorgeous!  It’s just what summer should be.  The morning was spent taking care of details.  As Frank is the car guy, he was tasked with taking care of his dad’s car – wash, petrol, etc.  Since he got it as part of a government plan to help disabled folk get around, it needs to go back so there are more phone calls to be made.  The kids and I had a wee toddle about the town and even climbed up to the castle before meeting Frank for lunch at the flat (sausage rolls and beans – yum!)

In the afternoon, we headed out to Callandar – a lovely wee town that was one of old Frank’s favorite places.  We poked around the shops, ate ice cream and the boys played football down by the River Teith.  The sun was beautiful and we actually had our shorts on for a change.  It was almost as if Grandpa was telling us to get outside and enjoy after hours spent in the hospital.

We took a side trip to Doune castle to see where the Monty Python crew were called silly English kniggits and had a lovely bar supper at the Lade Inn in Killmahog.  There will be more to take care of tomorrow.


[Pedometer: 19,950 or just short of 10 miles – all in brilliant Scottish sunshine.]