Daily Archives: July 18, 2007

Day 26: Another business day

July 17 –

On what would have been my father-in-law’s 74th birthday, we had another day out so mom could do some work.  I did my 5 mile run this morning with Duncan keeping me company for the first half.  Then we caught the 9:34 train into Edinburgh for Frank and the kids to have some fun and for me to meet with folks from the Edinburgh University Data Library, EDINA, and the DCC (Digital Curation Centre).  We spent some time together in the morning wandering around some lovely wee shops on the Royal Mile and Victoria Street before parting ways.

I spend the afternoon learning about providing data library services to researchers,  the UK system of national data centres, and digitial curation and preservation strategies, including an interesting discussion on the optimum way to preserve long historical time series when you have changes in coverage or other breaks in series.  A very different set of conversations than I’ve been having over the last week!

Frank and the kids had much more fun.  They spent most of the afternoon at Our Dynamic Earth  which is way cool if you ever get a chance to go there.  They also spent loads of time (and money!) at the model shop on the Lothian Road so Frank now has some new cars for his Skeletrix track.  We met up with some folks from EDINA and DCC for drinks before having a wonderful meal at Bella Italia on the Royal Mile.  We bought a few dragons from the dragon lady there as well and then got the train home.


[Pedometer: 20,135 or about 10 miles not including my run.  I suspect Frank and the kids did more since they had more wandering time.]

Day 25: The final farewell

July 16 –

Of course it is absolutely bucketing rain on the day of the funeral – the old yin would laugh at that.  We got all togged up in our Sunday best – most wearing black but Gillian and Duncan had to make due with what we brought.  I don’t mind buying Frank an extra black suit but I don’t think my 12 year old daughter really needs a black dress at this point.

The service was at the crematorium in Falkirk and the Humanists did a lovely job.  I’m trying to get hold of the text of the service to post at some point for those who are interested.  There were many tears and a few laughs.  Gillian took things very hard since this is the first real loss she has experienced.  She was 3 when my dad died so she doesn’t remember that time.

After the service, most folks went to the Tartan Arms (aka McQs) for soup and sandwiches and a few drinks.  Frank got to meet some long lost relatives and chat to folks he hasn’t seen since he was wee.  The kids got bored quickly and proceeded to play hide-and-seek according to my 3-yo nephew Ross’ rules:  No Duncan, hide over there!

Then the immediate family retired to Jim and Therese’s house for more munchies and drinks.  At least here the kids can play video games if they don’t want to sit and talk to the boring grown ups.  We eventually headed out to change out of our mourning garb and have a nice meal at one of our favorite haunts:  the Barnton Bar and Bistro.  Unfortunately, Gillian’s stomach wasn’t up to the special hot chocolate they do so well but we’ll do that another day.  Then back to the flat for a quiet night in watching telly.


[Pedometer:  9,247 steps or about 4.5 miles]