Daily Archives: July 19, 2007

Day 27: A day out with Gran

July 18-

In an attempt to have a “normal” day, we bundled up my mother-in-law and headed out for a small journey. We decided that Dundee was the day’s destination so raincoats and brollies in hand (of course it was raining!), we headed up the A90. We started out at the Wellgate Centre because it was indoors and we could avoid the worst of the rain.

I’m not a big fan of shopping malls – okay, not at *all* a fan – but wandering around the shops spending money on her grandkids seemed to make my mother-in-law happy so we endured. Gillian got some new T-shirts (from the Women’s department!) and jeans; Duncan got a new shirt and trainers. Even Frank and I benefitted from Gran’s largesse: a new video for him and books for me!

We had a lovely bar lunch at Tickety Boos and wandered about the town some since it had stopped raining.  We found our way into St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral – what a beautiful building!  I lit a candle for my mom (that’s 3!), wove a prayer for Frank’s mum into the prayer mat and admired the stained glass windows and the art exhibit they had going on.  Then on to more shops where more cash changed hands at more tills until it was time to make our way home. We bid farewell to Grandma and did some grocery shopping. Then home for a quick pizza dinner before going to the pictures.

We were impressed that we made it nearly a week before we broke down and saw the new Harry Potter movie. I liked the effects and lamented some of what they had to leave out for brevity. Frank and Gillian had never read the book but had not problem following the story (for the most part) so it couldn’t have been too bad. Duncan, however, had the most complaints about the translation of book to screen. I’ll see if I can get him to write a guest post on the subject at some point.

After the movie, we treated ourselves to some ice cream and called it a day.


[Pedometer: 12, 207 or about 6 miles most of it in shopping malls… :-(]