Daily Archives: July 26, 2007

Day 35: Another business day

July 26th –

Another bright and sunny day! Since this hotel doesn’t offer a yummy breakfast buffet, we wandered out to the local patisserie for coffee and pastries (because I’ve never met a breakfast worth 18 euros!) Then it was off to work for me! I worked out the details of the number 18 bus and got to the offices of Eurostat in time for my day’s worth of meetings. The folks I chatted with were wonderfully helpful and I learned a lot about how an international statistical agency works, how it’s different from a national statistical agency and how they do some of the things that we do.

Meanwhile, the family was out enjoying the sunshine and the city. It made it up to 26 degrees celsius – significantly warmer than we had in Scotland! They traipsed all over visiting museums, walking through the valley in the shadow of the fortified city and generally exploring. After I got done discussing database design and dissemination strategies, we all converged on the hotel to get ready for dinner.

Tonight’s repast was to be a bit more traditional. We wandered to Mousel’s Cantine for traditional unfiltered beer and pork products. Gillian had the kid’s schnitzel which was the size of Rhode Island; and Frank and I had two of the traditional pork dinners. Only Duncan had to be different: he had HORSE for dinner! He said it was delicious and didn’t get the jokes about eating Trigger! A bit more wandering through the city and then it was home to call it a night.


[Pedometer: approx. 24,000 steps or 12 miles for the family – Frank forgot the pedometer for part of the day’s wanderings. I managed about 10,000 including much wandering about in the Eurostat building.]

Day 34: Racetracks and border crossings

July 25 –

Today may have made up for the last week of rain!  We awoke to beautiful sunshine and a “vigorous” breeze.  So the running shoes came out and I managed about 3.5 miles along some main roads in south Dusseldorf only to return to the hotel and notice a lovely running path running on the opposite side of the building!  Oh well – I love the smell of diesel in the morning!

We filled up on the yummy breakfast buffet and checked out of the hotel, loaded up the car and hit the road.  Our final destination was Luxembourg but we couldn’t go straight there.  There was an obstacle in the way:  the Nürburgring !  It was sorta on the way (not really!) so we had to go see the mecca of racing in Germany!  They were still cleaning up from the Grand Prix last weekend (where Lewis Hamilton failed to earn a podium spot for the first time this season!)  and we missed the start of the German only tour of the facility.  Nevertheless, Frank got some pictures of the track and lots of stuff from the gift shop and then we were off again.

We stopped for lunch in a village just south of “the ring” and did our best to order only in German; we didn’t do too badly!  Everyone got what they thought they ordered even if it wasn’t what they expected!  For example, Frank ordered the currywurst which is what he got but wasn’t quite what he expected.  In this part of Germany at least, it was sausage covered in a sauce that was best described as ketchup with curry in it!

We pressed on after lunch  and drove through some beautiful countryside and then arrived at the border to Luxembourg and what was the first thing we saw…. Pizza Hut!!!!  No border crossing officials but deep dish if you wanted!  A short time later, we found the hotel (thanks Helga!) and unloaded.  Unfortunately, parking is at a serious premium in Luxembourg and our hotel doesn’t have a lot so we have to put the Mercedes in a public garage (secure at least!) next to a strip club!!!

We wandered around the old town section for a while, checked out the shops, got some ice cream and found the cathedral which is  *gorgeous* .  I lit a candle (that’s 5!), we took some pictures and then wandered to the place d’Arms for a seat outside in the glorious sunshine and a local brew.    We wandered back to the hotel to freshen up before meeting my friend Giuseppe for dinner.  We went with him and his partner, Marie-Helene, for dinner in a castle!  We went int the mountains above Luxembourg to the Chateau de Bourglinster for dinner.  It was *very* French – the menu had no other language and neither did the waitstaff!  Giuseppe ordered for us and we had a culinary adventure!  Gillian even tried the caviar and I braved the raw tuna with white chocolate!  It was a lovely meal and I have to brag about my wonderful children who tried everything they were offered joined in even the most boring adult conversations without a single admonition from me!  They obviously had a good upbringing!


[Pedometer:  15,545 or about 7.5 miles – all up and down hills and along race tracks!]