Daily Archives: August 2, 2007

Day 42: Business and cloud bursts

August 2 –

I snuck down to the hotel fitness center this morning to do the elliptical machine since I knew that I since I was going to be working today, I wouldn’t be covering any major miles. Today I visited the European Central Bank (ECB) to meet with the folks in the Division of Statistical Information Management and User Services; I now have copious pages of notes about SDMX-ML and key family maintenance, dissemination strategies, database design for real time data, Excel front ends for OLAP cubes populated from FAME databases and other neat stuff.

Meanwhile, the family had a late morning with Duncan the teenaged one refusing to respond to the call of the grey cloudy morning. They eventually made it out of the hotel just before lunchtime and wandered all over the city making a stop at the Museum of Communication which I understand was really cool. (I try to get a more detailed review from one of the chiddlers at some point.) Unfortunately, they were in wander mode when the major cloudburst hit and sheets of rain came bucketing down. A major clap of thunder chased them indoors and I was very glad that we had made it back from lunch at the old Opera House. Later on, however, the skies cleared and things were much brighter.

After my work day, we headed out for another culinary adventure: Croatian food! I have no idea what most of the stuff I ate was – I figured out the steak and the pork cutlet but the things that looked like sausages and the thing that was kinda like a flattened meatball was beyond me! Gillian had her daily dose of schnitzel and Frank and I enjoyed some excellent house brewed dunkel bier!

Now to decide how to spend the day tomorrow since the updated forecast says it will be nice. We may head out to Heidleburg or some other “quaint” town in the burbs!


[Pedometer: The family clocked 28,945 steps or over 14 miles! I probably managed about half that!]