The eagle has landed and immediately has tech support problems

So we make it to Dublin on a late but otherwise fine Aer Lingus flight. We hail a cab and have a most entertaining discussion with the cabbie on, what else, Michael Jackson as well as crime in DC and why we should be in Galway not Dublin.

We arrive at the hotel – after grossly overtipping due to lack of sleep – but the room isn’t ready so we traipsed all over the Temple Bar and the shopping area north of the Liffey in the rain (of course!).

Several coffees and sore feet later, we’re allowed to check in. It’s actually a two bedroom apartment so we have lots of space and a full kitchen (so we don’t have to pay 40 euro for breakfast tomorrow). We manage some lukewarm showers and clean clothes and go to fire up the laptop – with no luck at all. The laptop works fine but the wired connection (!) won’t let us get anywhere. The attempt is abandoned and chalked up to our jetlag and off we went to dinner.
We had a lovely meal at The Porterhouse Brewing Company in Temple Bar. The food was lovely (it has been pointed out that I am overfond of using the word Yum!), my cider delicious – and GF – and Frank declared his cask conditioned ale to be divine. We walked it off by tramping all around Grafton Street and St. Stephen’s Green as the weather had cleared and the evening was delicious!

When we had stayed awake the requisite number of hours, we headed home. Of course the laptop is still not working, none of the tech support channels I follow provide any real clues until one operator says “I think there’s been trouble with the wiring at that location” – ha! Vindication! I am not a totally incompetent user. But they still can’t help tonight so iif I want to do a blog post now, I have one choice: my Blackberry!

So dear friends, I have chronicled this on a tiny little keyboard so please forgive the brevity and mistypings.

Pedometer reading: 22,562 but I’m too tired to convert it to miles tonight!

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