Day 4: Waterlogged motorways and beligerant bovines

Today we said goodbye to Dublin. After a long sleepless night – Dublin likes to party until all hours on a Saturday – we managed our first hot showers, picked up the rental car and headed north to Newgrange.

Of course as soon as we pulled out of the city, the rain started. We arrived in the Boyne valley at the 5000 year-old burial site. It was absolutely fascinating to see how it was constructed and to ponder the why’s and wherefores. While waiting for out turn inside the tomb, a neighboring field full of cows started some angry mooing and milling about. It was as if they were saying “Bloody moo already!”

The rain held off while we were visiting but as soon as we hit the road for Kilkenny, the rain started again and we had 2 hours of windshield wipers. We arrived at the B&B and got checked in then wandered around the town. It was much more like what I expected of Ireland – but still looks like a dozen Scottish villages I know. I was amazed though at how many stores were open on a Sunday. It used to be that there was really nothing to do on a Sunday (in Scotland at least).

So we had a lovely meal, watched the end of the Federer-Roddick match (wow!) and headed back to the guest house. Then I carried on with my Sunday night ritual: bath night! The bath tub here is long enough and deep enough that I can soak from chin to toes completely covered in water and bubbles – hot water too! Aaaaahhhh!

Pedometer: 16,021 or about 7.5 miles. We spent too much time in the car I guess.

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