Day 9: Homecoming, part 1

We managed to get to the airport early enough to get the luggage taken care of, get through security (with my shoes on!) and get some breakfast. It’s a short flight from Dublin to Glasgow – 40 minutes – but at the gate next to ours, there was a flight to Cork. Given that we had just driven from Cork to Dublin and even going the *long* way only took about 3 hours by car, I can’t imagine how long the flight would be!

At Glasgow airport we ran into another instance where my inattention to details caused problems: I’d reserved (and prepaid!) the car for the 10th of June instead of July! Not sure how that happened since I only did it in the 9th of June! This was a minor glitch though and with a phone call and a small fee, the problem was solved and a silver Ford Mondeo was ours.

Then it was off to Troon to see my family. We got to the house around noon and after the hugs and hellos, we headed into town for some lunch – no shortage of non-sandwich options here! A walk down the beach in the blazing sunshine prompted the kids to declare it perfect weather for swimming off the rocks. Swim suits were fetched and 5 bodies jumped in and out of the freezing water for a good portion of the afternoon. (There’s a similar post from two years ago with more details – I’ll link to it when I’m not on the Blackberry!)

We headed back to the house to clean up and warm up and then the evening entertainment began. Stephen finally arrived home from work (after running out of fuel and being rescued by Frank!), Auntie Alice was fetched and the barbeque was lit.

Let it suffice to say that grilled prawns, steaks and several bottles of champagne later, the real drinking began. And that’s all I have to say about that.

Pedometer: 13,405 or about 11 miles in the blazing Scottish sunshine.

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