Daily Archives: July 18, 2009

Day 17: Departure day

So getting up this morning was a challenge given the activities of the evening before but we managed to be packed and out before 10 a.m.  Second challenge:  where do we go now?  We aren’t due in Edinburgh until tea time and none of the other Cannon households are likely to be up just yet.  We stopped by Grandma’s as she would be the best candidate for consciousness but she wasn’t home.  Apparently, she didn’t make it down the road last night.  So Tom and Una won the lottery and we headed over there to say good-bye and drop off some of the consumables we had purchased but not yet consumed.  We had a cup of tea and did the round of hugs and then headed out to the scene of last night’s crime (and with me singing, it was definitely a crime!).

Grandma was up but it took a while for the rest of the house to come around so our next cup of tea wasn’t poured until after 11 a.m.  We decided to run some errands while the late risers got themselves sorted and then we’d all meet up at The Portcullis (also at the top of the toon) for, what else, a bar lunch.  We managed some cracking snapshots of the kids

Leah, Duncan, Gillian and Mathew

Leah, Duncan, Gillian and Mathew

and did some last minute shopping before saying our good-byes and heading to Edinburgh.  The hotel was literally next door to the car return so that went much more smoothly than in Dublin (yes, I remembered the GPS unit!) and we got to splash in the pool and relax in the sauna before having a lovely meal in the hotel restaurant and heading for an early bed.


Pedometer: 10,062 or just short of 5 miles.