Daily Archives: July 21, 2012

Day 7: Oh, Canada… I think I love you!

And so we say good bye  to New York state and the USA.  I did my final run of the week – a short 3 miles- and confirmed that Skaneateles is where the sidewalks end.  No matter what major thoroughfare I traveled along, the sidewalks ended exactly at the village boundary which was usually about one mile from wherever I started.  We also said good bye to the Arbor House Inn which was a perfectly serviceable B&B, but it’s not one I would recommend especially for those with food sensitivities, even if they say they can “accommodate” you.  This morning’s breakfast choices were two croissant based casseroles which were not suitable for me so although I was offered the mushy Vans waffles again, I opted for yogurt, fruit and my granola.

Then westward ho!  We broke the trip in Rochester to wander around the campus of RIT which was Gillian’s concession to me for spending all day at Skidmore on Monday.  All of us were pleasantly surprised at how attractive the campus was and how suitable it seemed to be for her.  I won’t get my hopes up that she’ll actually apply but she really is being open minded about things this trip so I can’t complain.

We continued  our journey to the great white north and got to sit in traffic at the border crossing (I think our agent had a Napoleanic complex!) before we finally were able to watch the kilometers click by on the Queen Elizabeth Way.  Unfortunately, all the waiting had taken it’s toll and we were in desparate need of a washroom (I speak Canadian already, eh!) It just so happened that the first place we saw where we could take car of this urgent need was…. a winery!  Who’d have thunk it?

So we were on our way to discovering the joys of the Niagara wine region! The Harbor Estates winery was a lovely little place (with a washroom!) that made very nice rose which we procured for later enjoyment.  The woman behind the bar was joking with Gillian about coming back for a visit when she turned 19.  Very nice and pleasant folks!  We wandered down the road a bit more for a late lunch in Jordan Village with salads and sandwiches – and delicious GF fries with homemade smoked ketchup… yum!

Then we jut had to stop at two more wineries – really, they are everywhere here! – at Megalomaniac Winery where the building is half underground, the label is very cool and the Cab Sauv is unbelievably smooth.  Right down the road is Tawse Winery which has the most impressive building and an equally impressive price tag on their wines which we opted not to purchase. The atmosphere was not particularly inviting; it was almost like “our wine is awesome so buy some and leave”!

So we left without buying and headed to the hamlet of Grimsby – okay, more like a regular town or suburb but it’s our home base for the next three days.  The B&B is on the ridge of an escarpment (I needed to look it up too!) and is very unassuming looking from the outside but our room is wonderful – including a deck where you can see the lake and the Toronto skyline – and so is the proprietor. Michelle made us feel right at home, verified that I could have two of the three courses she was making for breakfast tomorrow but that she really didn’t do justice to GF muffins.  I’m sure I’ll survive.  She also suggested places to eat for tonight and Monday and then made reservations for us.  Talk about service!

And what a recommendation!  We ate tonight at August Restaurant in Beamsville and I honestly can’t remember when I have had a better meal! Everything is organic, locally sourced and expertly prepared.  Even their winelist is 100% Ontario wines!  Starting with the antipasti platter (the smoked trout, duck proscuitto and 2 year old cheddar among other things) and then moving to the roast lemon rosemary chicken (Gillian), peppercorn steak (Frank) and vegetable gratin (me – Gruyere and garlic cream sauce, need I say more?), everything was absolutely wonderful and mostly gluten free!  They even brought me corn bread to have while the gluten eaters had their honey flax seed bread.

Then the pièce de résistance – dessert…. they had sticky toffee pudding on the menu and it was gluten free!  It wasn’t that I could order it that way, it is the only way they make it.  I haven’t been able to have sticky toffee pudding for years – the last time was in Simpsons on the Strand in 2007 before I was diagnosed.  It was heavenly!  I really didn’t need to order one and needed even less to eat it but I was truly in food heaven.

So I now realize that I did nothing but eat and drink today and surprisingly, didn’t do much walking.  The pedometer reads a measly 5090 steps or 2.19 miles which isn’t nearly enough to burn off the 5000 calories I ate today but there you go.  Most unusual food item:  venison pate with cherries.  Didn’t think there was any way I could possible like it but I did.  More so than Frank actually and he’s the venison fan.

Day 6: Cars, Candy and Clean Clothes

Today dawned grey and drizzly with little promise of sunshine so it was quite fortuitous that our plans were not completely weather dependent.  I managed a quick 4 miles before the rain – not near the lake this time but it didn’t matter since I couldn’t see the sun anyway.

Breakfast was slightly less disappointing than yesterday.  I did get Vans GF waffles done in the oven so there would be no cross contamination from the toaster but they were not very well done – unfortunately, neither was Gillian’s French Toast.  But I had freshly picked blueberries to go with the yogurt and granola so we made do and hit the road for Syracuse. Why Syracuse you ask?  Because that’s where the Syracuse Nationals were, of course!  And how could we be a measly 20 miles from one of the biggest hot rod shows in the country and not visit! (If you’d been married to a car guy for more than 20 years, you would think that made sense too!)

So we joined thousands of other car enthusiasts and their family members at the state fair grounds for acres and acres and acres of assorted automobiles and accessories.  Gillian and I couldn’t decide whether to count mullets or tattoos and then gave up on both because it was too hard to do either.  I have to say that I was impressed by some of the care and detail, not to mention the work, that went into some of the cars.  Frank got lots of ideas about what he wants to do with the 54 Chevy he has at school and we covered 4 miles looking at chassis, paint jobs, junkers for sale, vendor stalls and celebrity signings.  (We opted not to wait in line for Catherine Bach’s autograph – time has not been kind to Daisy Duke or she has a bad plastic surgeon!) I can honestly say I did not expect to see a stand selling Vera Bradley bags across from one selling car parts but I was told that the wives need to be kept entertained as well. (Grrr….)

Three hours of gleaming chrome, exhaust fumes, traffic cone orange paintwork and idiotic conversations overheard was all we could take.  (Best one:  “Do you know if you feed chocolate to a duck it will explode?” WTF!) So we headed back west through more small towns and stumbled on a gold mine in the guise of Marcellus, NY.  What does this town have that was so precious?  A fluff and fold laundromat!  We were able to drop off half a trips worth of dirt laundry and have lunch while someone else washed and folded our underwear!  Love the service sector!

We had a great lunch at Daniel’s Grill in Marcellus – Gillian and Frank had various sandwiches on foccacia or ciabatta breads.  One was chicken with pesto mayo and the other may have been Cajun grouper.  I had a lovely grilled flat iron steak salad with caramelized onions and blue cheese.  It didn’t even need any dressing.  While we were waiting for the laundry to be finished, we wandered over to Elbridge which turned out to be a very cute little town with a hardware store where Frank could get waterproofing spray for the convertible top.  And I got to visit the local yarn store where I picked up several skeins of gorgeous natural brown three ply from their own sheep that really wants to be a vest.  I can even picture which one in my Folk Vests book.

Then the rain that had been threatening all day actually erupted and we headed back to Marcellus to pick up the laundry.  But first, we happened on the find of the century: The Chocolate Pizza Company! Holy diabetic coma Batman, what a place!  They sell chocolate pizzas and lots of other things.  We bought “slices” of dark chocolate with M&Ms and mini Reeses, dark chocolate with cashews and candy coated sunflower seeds, and white chocolate with cranberries and almonds!  AND “Wings” which are ruffled potato chips spread with peanut butter and dipped in chocolate.  I can feel my waistline spreading as I type!

Clean clothes and candy securely tucked into the trunk, we headed back to Skaneateles to visit the townwide sidewalk sale and watch the skies.  Gillian and I got some running gear at the local triathalon shop – Endurance Monster – and we tried very hard to patronize the other shops but nothing was calling to us in the rain.

And we continued to nervously watch the skies for the one part of today’s plans that were weather dependent: a movie at the local drive in!  Yes, they have drive ins here and we were so hoping to see “The Dark Knight” tonight by sitting in the convertible eating some of the yummy junk food we have been acquiring. The radar looked like things *might* go our way so off we went to Auburn, NY and the Finger Lakes Drive In.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it through a 2.5 hour movie that started at 9pm but I couldn’t let either Frank or Gillian go through life without having been to a drive in.  I remembered all those nights at the Pinehurst Drive In when I was growing up.  But that’s a story for another day and a lot more wine!

And so we go to bed in the wee hours after having enjoyed the movie and the drive in experience.  The rain held off and we watched with the top down, Gillian sitting on the back, looking over the windscreen. We could have stayed for the second feature (The Amazing Spider Man) which would start at around 12:10 AM and really gotten our $6 worth but we are just too tired! I owe an apology to the town of Auburn which is apparently a perfectly fine town (with a drive in!) that just happens to have some scary parts that we found on our first foray.  Lo siento!

Total steps today, including the traipse around the fairgrounds were 14,209 or 6.12 miles. Most unusual food item:  Frank got sushi take out to enjoy at the drive in and the salmon in the Alaska roll was smoked – very odd!