Daily Archives: September 8, 2015

Day 13: Sitting and Scottish sunshine

More beautiful sunshine met us when we woke this morning so it was off for a run around the King’s Park.  It was a tad chillier than I had planned for (44 degrees!) so the shorts maybe weren’t the best option but I managed to spend half an hour running all over town before returning to make bacon and egg sandwiches.  Then we had some housekeeping to do so the rest of the morning was spent unpacking and getting organized.

Then off to visit Frank’s mum.  She still wasn’t feeling great so sat and had a cup of tea and then were off to visit more relatives.  We next went round to Auntie Jean’s house for a wee visit where we sat and had a chat.  Then off to get some lunch at the Birds and Bees where I hadn’t been for decades.  It was quite a nice meal and by now the sun had warmed the air and we were flirting with 70 degrees. Now it’s off to visit more Cannon’s who can always be found sitting in the garden when the sun is out.  More tea, more conversation with various relatives as they arrived home or passed through, more sitting in the sunshine.  A very relaxing afternoon overall.  Then we stopped at the chippy on the Glasgow roach (chicken supper for me, haggis for Frank) and enjoyed all their greasy glory.

And felt like bigIMG_1316.JPG slugs.  So we head our for another wander about the park and the town and caught this beautiful sunset from just below the King’s Knot.  A few quick phone calls and we were back to Bannockburn to watch the end of the Scotland – Germany match (grrr) and have a few drinks and a blether before the taxi delivered us safely home again in the wee hours.

Today’s numbers:

  • Relatives and sundry folks chatted with: 12
  • Number of times they thanked us for bringing the sunshine: 6
  • Number of cups of tea consumed: 4
  • Number of steps: 9881 (4.25 miles) – nearly all of which came after dinner.