Day 16: Glens and gatherings

After two grey days the sun came back – not roaring back as it was peeping out from behind some clouds  but it was definitely there.  We had another hearty breakfast (have to enjoy this good bacon while we can) and then it was time to dust of the hiking boots to walk on some Scottish hills.

We headed to Alva Glen, a wee gem in the Ochils with a well defined foot path and some challenging rock clambering.  It has one other feature that is a real draw for me:  waterfalls.  I got my fill of stained glass yesterday so today I would get to play near (read: in) the water.

image imageIt’s not really a challenging hike per se as the footpath is well maintained but there are some sheer drops and a few places where you need to climb up or down rock face so that means you do need to pay attention.  It didn’t take long before we had to shed our top layer as the sun decided to stay out and the exertion kept us plenty warm.  I had also decided to bring my rain jack to prevent it from actually raining so I imagehad two layers to manage. But in the end it was well worth it.  We had done this hike with the kids many years ago and the decent into Smuggler’s Cave was one I remembered well. It was soooooo tempting to shed all the layers and swim in the burn but alas, we did not have a toimagewel. (You would think with the number of times I’ve read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, I would have learned.)  In clambering over some of the mossy rocks, my left boot ended up in the water and I could have used a towel then.  The return hike had the distinct footfall pattern of stomp, squelch, stomp, squelch…. It took all afternoon for the leg of my jeans to completely dry.

Sweaty but with souls recharged, we headed west toward Glasgow with the intention of visiting the Glengoyne distillery just outside Killern.  We stopped at the Old Mill in the village for lunch and that plan got a bit scuppered.  Lunch was absolutely fabulous from the excellent homemade butternut squash soup to the sharing board for two: slabs of bread, oatcakes, salmon with lemon creme fraiche, venison salami, farmhouse cheddar, and chicken liver pate. All GF and all fabulously delicious.  It is definitely on our list of places to visit again.  Who knows?  Maybe this time we’ll make it to the distillery.  But then maybe not.  Part of the reason we chucked that part of the day was because we decided that it didn’t make sense for us to pay £10 for a tasting tour when we have heard half a dozen times how whiskey is made and we really just wanted a taste.  Which we could get at the pub for a lot less and not have to worry about driving home through the hills.  So back through to town to run a few errands before the big gala.

Last time we visited, we were able to get the whole family together for a meal.  We weren’t quite that successful this time – 2 out of 3 bunches were available and we’ll see the third lot one last time before we’re away on Sunday.  So to the Torbrex Inn (which we could walk to from our flat) we were bound – a party of 10 who took up most of the back dining room, eating and drinking for the better part of 3 hours.

Today’s numbers:

  • Number of times I stopped on the hike just to listen to the water fall: 8
  • Number of (unique) swear words uttered during the squelchy return hike: 12
  • Number of rounds of drinks the poor waitress had to fetch our rowdy bunch at dinner: 5?
  • Number of tears of laughter streaming down my face during one of the family stories being recounted: uncountable.
  • Number of steps: 10, 445 (4.5 miles – most of it straight up or down)

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  1. Pingback: Day 19: Third time lucky | The Cannon Family's travel blog

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