Daily Archives: September 12, 2015

Day 17: To the coast!

Spotty sunshine this morning for our final fry up at the flat.  We had stopped at the butcher in Bridge of Allan who made some gluten free Lorne sausage and I had my first slice since being diagnosed.  It was fabulous!  Of course, the whole place reeked of sausage for the rest of the day but it was a price worth paying.

Today’s agenda:  a lunchtime outing with Frank’s mum before heading west to Troon to visit my family.  We had a lovely lunch in Callander and then popped into some of the shops.  My mother-in-law is a shopping fiend!  We did some serious damage in one of the woolen mill outlets and then I succumbed to temptation and splurged on a Barbour jacket for myself. I am now actually looking forward to some cold weather so I can wear it.

We dropped mum off and headed back to the flat to pack up.  Because of scheduling challenges, the only chance we would have to see my family would be to stay over Friday night but we knew we wouldn’t make it back to the flat to “check out” on Saturday morning so we vacated a day early and headed to the west coast.  I can’t remember when we started the tradition of solving the world’s problems over several bottles of wine in Barassie but that has now become an important part of any visit to Scotland.  This trip was no exception and we had a lovely time discussing a whole range of topics: racism, microaggressions, parenting adult children, traveling in Italy, menopause, penis enlargements, and just about everything in between.  An excellent meal was prepared and most thoroughly enjoyed: goat cheese and beet salad, venison with sweet potato fries and broccoli rabe with white chocolate raspberry cheesecake.  Then more wine and conversation followed. At some point in the wee hours, the ladies retired to their beds and the boys continued on over whisky.

Numbers for today:

  • Number of bags we had to fit into the car today: 8
  • Number of photographs taken: 0
  • Number of types of wine enjoyed: 6
  • Number of steps: 8,537 (3.68 miles)