Day 17: Goodbyes and hellos

Interestingly, this year’s Day 17 looks a lot like last year’s  – there must be some odd karma on the universe. We started the day with the previously mentioned GF sliced sausage from the butcher in Bridge of Allan as part of our final fry up in the flat. Then the serious packing commenced. My large case filled with everything we knew we wouldn’t need for the next few days and Frank’s case with everything we thought we would.

Then came the round of farewells. First to see how mum was doing. We got to the home and she was up and about and all in a tizzy about something that had her charging about with her walker. We got things sorted and headed out for a nice lunch at The Birds and Bees, another favorite from our last trip. Mum enjoyed her steak pie and even managed to drink some cider!

We took her back and said our goodbyes there before doing the same in Bridge of Allan and Braehead. Next stop: Grangemouth and the Scottish Athletics Under 17 championships where we said hellos to my family who were there to cheer on youngest son. We had a we wait before the final event and time to catch up and blether before Michael claimed a bronze medal in the 400 meter event.

Then to head back west to Barassie for the gourmet dinner and epic bevy. Because it was late and the weather was not conducive to grilling, we “settled” for monkfish and Parma ham, expertly cooked with only one scalded hand sacrificed as part of the process. This year’s conversation menu was as wide ranging as ever: multilingualism, pan sexuality and non binary gender identity, travel woes, the political state of several countries, Netflix series, the spirit versus wording of the Second Amendment, and the possibility of replacing Freddy Mercury.

Finally after several bottles of wine and buckets of tears of laughter, it was off to bed in the wee hours having only managed 5,683 steps during the course of the day.

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