Daily Archives: January 30, 2019

The art of doing nothing

After the excitement and activity of yesterday, today’s plan was relatively simple: do nothing. All day. This is something we are spectacularly bad at so it was going to take some effort. I am proud to say we did a pretty good job.

Up earlier than vacation generally dictates thanks to the eastern facing room and bright sunrise, we hit breakfast then hit the beach. We had the sands to ourselves most of the morning so it was lots of reading and the occasional dip in the sea. Then we decided to work up an appetite before lunch so a short kayaking excursion up and down the coast was in order. Our next door neighbor on one side seems to be a mangrove and palm forest before the next resort so things are pretty quiet.

Then it was lunch and more sitting on the beach time. There might have been a few papaya daiquiris in there as well (yum!) Later in the afternoon brought shrimp nachos and a few hands of cribbage at the bar. And a few more drinks. Then a round of ladder golf. With a few drinks. And then off to shower before dinner.

Continuing with my goal of eating fresh fish whenever possible, I opted for the sere to start – fish, veggies, and plantains in a coconut broth – before having snapper piccata. Frank had a repeat of the drunken shrimp before his shrimp puttanesca (see a pattern here?). With dinner we had a passable South African Chenin Blanc procured at the airport duty free shop for a whole $10BZD.

We hit the tiki bar for a nightcap or two chatting with our new acquaintances from South Dakota when Charles the bartender took ill and had to be taken to the hospital. It was not our fault btw. That was too much excitement for one day so off we went to rest up for tomorrow’s activity – more of the same.