Day 18: Meetings and greetings

Bright sunshine greeted us when we eventually awoke far later than we had planned.  (I haven’t had much luck sleeping past 7 or 7:30 regardless of what time I go to bed and today we slept until 8:30!) A quick bacon and egg roll – induction hob sussed! – and we were off to visit mum. We caught her in the middle of her breakfast so we went into Bridge of Allan for a coffee and came back for a lovely visit before moving on to the main event of the day:  a trip to Edinburgh.

The trip itself was not particularly unusual as we often go to Edinburgh for the day when we visit but the reason for today’s trip was a bit different as I was going to do a bit of work. I have the privilege of being the president of an international data organization (IASSIST) and the vice president works at the University of Edinburgh.  So when we realized that our monthly administrative committee call would be while I was in Scotland, we arranged for me to go to her office and we could participate together.  While this does techniulaly count as working while on vacation, I don’t consider it really work because I have been part of this organization for decades and have met some of my now dearest friends through it.  And we arranged to meet with several of them today.

So on to the 11:42 train to Edinburgh.

Travel tip #35: take public transport whenever parking or alcohol are likely to make things messy.

IMG_5031We arrived at Edinburgh Waverly station just before 12:30 and wandered through town to get to Bennet’s Bar – a lovely old pub where we were to have our first meeting: a pint with a friend and former IASSIST president.  We sat and nattered through a pint there before heading across the street to  the Blackbird for lunch.  I had the most interesting thing:  a GF waffle topped with avocado, feta cheese, pepper jelly and pumpkin seeds.  Unusual and delicious.

Next stop:  the university building where I would take my call.  Frank toddled off to continue his search for a model Alfa Romeo while I was otherwise occupied.  (Still no luck!) Despite the inevitable minor technology glitches (camera works but audio doesn’t, then vice versa, then it gets sorted), we managed the meeting very well, thanks mostly to a very able and organized secretary.

Business complete, it was time for the next stop which wEGYNC-9W4AEI8gPas drinks at Sandy Bell’s with a friend and former treasurer of IASSIST (sense a theme here?).  We chatted about digital preservation, world politics, and raising teenagers before it was time for him to go home to the family and us to go to our final “meeting”.  Moving on to the OX184 pub in the Cowgate, we met with the vice president and her husband for drinks and more social discussions.  And thusly well watered, it was time to find food.  We said our goodbyes and went off in search of a pub that served something I could eat.

Travel tip #36: Try to eat before you drink.  Or at least before you have the 5th pint of cider.  Your stomach will thank you.

We managed to find the Albanach on the Royal Mile that could do a gammon steak with egg and pineapple plus peas and a jacket potato.  Just what the doctor ordered!  Frank got a haggis and neeps pie which suited him fine as well.  And the timing couldn’t have been better:  10 minutes after we ordered, they stopped taking food orders.  Phew.  We finished a lovely meal (but not all of our pints unfortunately.  No judging!) and made the 9:33 train back to Stirling.

Dubious data for today:
14,945 steps and 32 floors (Edinburgh is a multidimensional city) including 118 steps up the New Steps from Market street to St. Giles street
Number of pubs visited: 5
Number of pints consumed by all pub participants: 21

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