Daily Archives: July 28, 2020

AD2: Wherefore art thou waterfall?

Today we awoke early despite our best efforts.  This morning’s repast was blueberry pancakes: because Maine!  We even had local syrup for the feast although the origins of the berries were suspect:  the sign in the store said the town in Maine where they were from but the label said the distributor was in CA and there was a little map next to it marked MI so who knows!

We were glad to get out relatively early today since our destination required an hour’s drive.  The weather forecast called for scattered thunderstorms and the clouds looked ominous so we tried to outrun the rain and headed to Little Wilson’s Falls south east of Moosehead Lake. (Love me some waterfalls!) We tried to plan better today bringing a change of clothes and snacks – just in case.  (Of course we forgot the water which meant some doubling back and a stop at a convenience store but who’s counting!)

We had to park about 3/4 of a mile from the trail head because the road was so bad that it was impassible without four wheel drive – which the convertible definitely doesn’t have!  It added a bit to the hike but we were undeterred!  The trail was very well marked today as well and we headed through the mostly pine forest over slate and slippery tree roots up the 400ish feet to the top of the waterfall.  We had the whole trail to ourselves until the very last minute when we found other people at the top of the falls.  Grrr….

It turns out that these falls are actually on the Appalachian trail so we did end up seeing others who were probably not through hikers but would have been easily mistaken for some!  The waterfalls are gorgeous and the peacefulness of the place was balm for the soul. We sat and snacked (and Frank snapped some pics) and then back down the hill we went.  We had avoided the rain but the humidity was intense so the change of clothes was most welcome.

And it was time to explore: Munson, Abbott, Guildford, Dover-Foxcroft, Sangerville.  This is rural America.  Now Dover-Foxcroft is a bustling metropolis – they have a Dunkin Donuts! – and we stopped at the Shaw’s market for the makings of a picnic lunch which we ate by the river.  The sun was fully out now so we continued to explore the countryside before heading back north.  A quick stop in Greenville for a drink at the Stress Free Moose pub before completing the day’s trek.  We opted to shower and do some laundry before heading back to Kelly’s Landing for a lovely dinner lakeside while watching the sunset.

We left about dusk with express intent of trawling known moose hangouts.  We even stopped by a field that was a noted moose spotting site only to find cars from NJ and FL parked and waiting for the same thing.  That was enough for us – it was time to call it a night.

Some statistics for today:

  • Number of hikers encountered on trail today: 8
  • Number of children encountered on trail today: 2
  • Number of children who didn’t make it to the falls today: 2
  • Number of miles of countryside traversed: 180
  • Number of moose spotted: 0