Daily Archives: June 14, 2022

Day 9: Staying close to “home”

Another brilliant night’s sleep followed by a morning of clouds gave us pause that our weather luck might not hold today. No cooking for breakfast today: yogurt, fruit, granola, plus ham and cheese on toast. Then it was off to see the local sights. The clouds followed us for a while and we even got a few sprinkles but then the weather gods smiled again and out came the sun.

We started with Ales stenar or Ale’s stones, it is thought to be a stone ship. It’s huge rocks in a huge oval, 220 feet long. No one really knows what is for or who made it but it’s thought to be about 1400 years old. Regardless, it is a very cool sight and the views from the ridge are just beautiful.

We stopped in the local village for a coffee to enjoy the sunshine before heading back toward Ystad. Along the way we saw signs for a cidery – and that became our destination! It is in Tosterups and the farm is next to a lovely church and castle (private residence). However, they don’t seem to have the same concept of visitors that we have in the US so it was a very brief visit before wandering on.

We spent the afternoon wandering the streets of Ystad. The stupidly cute cobbled streets, Saint Maria’s church and Greyfriars Abbey, and of course a few Wallander-related locations. Someday when we’ve watched more of the series, we’ll be able to say we were there. 🙂 Lunch was in the courtyard of Per Helsas GÃ¥rd, one of the oldest half-timbered buildings in Sweden. The restaurant (Grändens mat) was wonderful with lots of GF options, including meatballs. Yes it’s true: I HAD SWEDISH MEATBALLS. Yum! And a GF Czech beer to go with it.

More wandering around town until it was time to head home for our last night to soak up the Scandinavian sunshine and enjoy wine, cheese, and other perishables before hitting the road tomorrow. Only one meeting to interrupt the evening which provided and excellent end to an excellent day.

Data for today:

  • Steps: 13,466 or so
  • Number of Swedish words practiced: 12
  • Number of Swedish words successfully communicated: 0
  • Number of tries for today’s Wordle: 3 (we are a great team!)