Day 11: The driving day

Today would be the least exciting day of the trip. We head from Kalmar to Stockholm – about 4.5-5 hours driving. Bleh. But the sun was shining and the hotel breakfast was delicious (think Nutella!) and so we hit the road.

And we drove. We stopped for gas and road trip snacks (popcorn and Mentos) and drove some more. {sigh}

We arrived in Stockholm around 2pm which was a little early to check into our AirBnb. But we did anyway and interrupted the cleaner finishing up in the apartment. We dropped our bags off and set out to explore.

I seem to have chosen a flat on the highest point in Stockholm. Frank thinks I do these things on purpose – the apartment in Gothenburg was on a hill too – but topography isn’t one of the things I look at when choosing where to stay. For this stop, it was really about whether or not we could park the car and if the place had a washing machine. This one ticked both the boxes and is just a short walk from Södermalm, one of the cool neighborhoods in Stockholm.

So we walked. All over the island – Stockholm is made up of connected islands and we hit a few. We stopped for lunch at a place called Meatballs for the People (?!?) which had delicious meatballs in a variety of meats. I had the lunch special of lamb meatballs in a Greek tomato sauce with feta and roasted potatoes. Frank had the chef’s choice: traditional cream gravy with lingonberries and pickled cucumber and 8 meatballs of a variety of ingredients – including reindeer!

Thus fortified, we continued our trek. We found the old city with it’s narrow cobbled streets and hoards of tourists. We found the Royal Palace and the Nobel museum – on the agenda for tomorrow. We stopped at the liquor and grocery stores before heading back to the apartment. Because we had such a late lunch, it was a while before dinner would even be on the agenda. Eating out wasn’t really an option because on Wednesday nights, I have to work. So we had toasted cheese and soup and found out that the appliances here aren’t all we had hoped for. The microwave took longer to heat the soup than the stovetop would have and it took about 5 tries to get the toaster to toast.

Nevertheless, we succeeded. Frank did some research on where to go tomorrow while I’ll worked with clients and attended my online class until 11:30 {yawn}. Then off to bed to prepare for a full day of touristing in the big city.

Data for today:

  • Kilometers driven: 415
  • Steps taken: 15,017
  • Countries represented on the highway: 13 (A, B, D, DK, EST, F, FIN, LT, LV, N, NL, PL, S)
  • Kiss songs or ads on the radio: ~12 (Frank hates Kiss but they are playing in Stockholm this weekend….)
View from the (dirty) kitchen window

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