Day 4/5: The work days

Minimal post to assure folks that we are still alive. These are the days that required my business attention. Luckily, my business clothes had finally arrived. First a full day of conference sessions about the data challenges for the statistics function at central banks. (VERY interesting BTW). Then an official dinner where Frank got to charm the central bank data folks – I was quite proud.

The second day was my day to shine, I mean present. I’m glad I didn’t know that it was being streamed/recorded or I would have been maybe slightly nervous (no, that’s not a thing!) I was quite proud that I hit my 20 minute mark right on the dot – so unlike me!

A few more meetings and the day was done! We managed to snag a table at a fabulous restaurant where we had WAY to much food (demasiada comida) and wine but we ordered it in fractured Spanish with a very jovial waiter who never made fun of our linguistic short comings.

Data for today:

  • Amount of time I had for my presentation: 20 minutes.
  • Number of times I practiced: 6
  • Number of times I hit the time target during practice: 0
  • Number of economist jokes I snuck in: 5

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