
This is meant to be a monologue of the Cannon family’s travels while San is on sabbatical. The idea is that she would visit several other institutions (okay, 10) to see how her job gets done there. Once she has gathered all the info, she’ll attempt to compile it into a coherent report for senior staff in Research as well as to share with the institutions that have hosted her.

And during this time, Frank and the kids will be tagging along….

Stay tuned!


One response to “About

  1. Frank, San and Gang,
    How exciting! If you only knew how glad I would have been to clean your clothes, carry your bags, whatever to be in London! Paris sounded lovely, but was sorry to hear that Frank can’t handle the Eifel Tower-what a wimp (sorry, Frank). Enjoy all, take in some delicious “fish & chips” ,and thanks for blogging…

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